Yellow Fever | £59 (with certificate) |
Yellow Fever Certificate Duplicate | £50 |
Hepatitis A | £45 |
Hepatitis A/Typhoid combined | £75 |
Typhoid | £30 |
Hepatitis B | £45 |
Rabies | £30 (Intra-dermal) |
Rabies | £65 (Intra-muscular) |
Japanese Encephalitis | £79 |
Cholera | £55 |
Tick-borne Encephalitis | £60 |
Meningitis Vaccine | £50 |
Chickenpox Vaccine per dose | £75 |
Diphtheria, Tetanus and Polio | £30 |
MMR – £50 | £50 (Two doses, one month apart) |
Whooping cough vaccine (PERTUSSIS) | £75 |
Vaccine for pneumonia | £75 |
Shingles Vaccine (ZOSTAVAX) | £180 |
HPV vaccine | £150 / £180 |
Advice/Risk assessment | £95 |
*All prices are shown per dose.
This COVID-19 PCR swab test that looks for current COVID-19 infection.
This service has a 48 hour average turnaround time and includes a ‘Fit to Fly’ certificate issued by our medical team which is a requirement to board the flight with some airlines.
We are passionate about travel medicine, so whether you need vaccinations or medical advice we will be happy to help.